Name | Ash-Shura |
Meaning | The Consultation |
Serial | 42 |
Para | 25 |
Ruku | 5 |
Ayat | 53 |
Surah Ash-Shura
# | Ayat |
إِنْ يَشَأْ يُسْكِنِ الرِّيحَ فَيَظْلَلْنَ رَوَاكِدَ عَلَىٰ ظَهْرِهِ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِكُلِّ صَبَّارٍ شَكُورٍ |
If it be His Will He can still the Wind: then would they become motionless on the back of the (ocean). Verily in this are Signs for everyone who patiently perseveres and is grateful. | |